Thursday, April 18, 2019

Lost Commentary

Dear Listeners,

I’ve been given clearance by Kino Lorber’s Frank Tarzi to make the following information known at this time: 

Earlier today, if you went to the website of Diabolik DVD, you might have found them soliciting pre-orders for Kino Lorber’s upcoming Blu-ray of David Lynch’s LOST HIGHWAY, which will be streeting on June 3. Their description of the disc's contents included mention of some enticing extras, including an hour-long interview with David Lynch, an exclusive booklet essay by Nick Pinkerton, and a NEW audio commentary by Tim Lucas. 

This was the exciting hush-hush project I mentioned on Facebook a month or so ago. The commentary was commissioned by KL and I did the work. I was honored, excited, and also a but intimidated to script and record the FIRST-EVER audio commentary for a David Lynch film on disc. 

I was extremely proud of the result too, which - despite my initial intimidation - flowed out of me like water. Bret Wood, my disc producer, told me the finished commentary was terrific. At the time these extras were planned, Universal seemed to have no problem with them; however, once the work was done (and paid for, I hasten to note), I’m told they checked their contract with the filmmaker and discovered that neither they nor their sub-licensors were allowed to include ANY extras with the release, in keeping with the wishes of Mr. Lynch. 

Therefore, I regret to inform you that - contrary to news that got out earlier today - Kino Lorber’s LOST HIGHWAY Blu-ray will feature NO extras other than a trailer. It’s the way David Lynch wants it. Of course, I’m disappointed that my and Nick’s work won’t be along for the ride - but I’m presently considering other ways of making my commentary available, perhaps as a stand-alone digital upload or in expanded book form. 

I sincerely hope this news won’t spoil anyone’s interest in the disc, which I can promise you is a magnificent HD transfer of a mind-bending film.

Tim Lucas

(c) 2019 by Tim Lucas. All rights reserved.