Saturday, May 17, 2008


About a month ago, Dennis Hopper hosted a screening of his film maudit THE LAST MOVIE (1970) at the Silent Film Theater in Los Angeles. There was a Q&A session after the screening, during which Hopper was surprised by a question from cast member John Phillip Law, who was in unannounced attendance. Filmmaker Howard S. Berger had the foresight to capture the Q&A on his camcorder and thoughtfully sent along this link to his YouTube posting of John's amusing dialogue with Hopper and their reunion in the lobby afterwards. A touching record of what appears to have been John's last public appearance.

I also want to note that I told John's daughter Dawn about the great outpouring of affection that followed the news of his death online, in numerous blogs and discussion groups. I assembled links to all the JPL memorial blogs and threads I could find and sent them along to her, so that she can read them and print them out for preserving/sharing with other family members.