Friday, July 16, 2021


My detailed coverage of THE EUROCRYPT OF CHRISTOPHER LEE will continue next week. I'm in something of an audio commentary bottleneck at the moment - just delivered one, and other needs to start right away - but I must interrupt all this today with some big, long awaited news:

THE SECRET LIFE OF LOVE SONGS, my first new fiction of real length (and depth) since THE BOOK OF RENFIELD sixteen years ago, is now available for pre-order from PS Publishing. It's being published in both regular and signed/limited editions, and the first 300 copies sold will include a free advance CD of the novella's soundtrack album. 

The nine songs were written by Dorothy Moskowitz (formerly of The United States of America and Country Joe's All-Star Band) and I, and we perform them on the CD with the magnanimous and talented help of our special guests Gary Lucas (Jeff Buckley, Captain Beefheart's Magic Band, Gods and Monsters) and Mike Fornatale (Murderer's Row, and the reunited lineups of The Left Banke and Moby Grape). Dorothy and I co-produced the album, and the gifted Chris Harding of the popular local band Room For Zero served as our engineer, working miracles of mixing and making us sound like were actually all in the same room together. Mike - a remarkable multi-instrumentalist - produced and mixed his own two contributions, which make it sound like infinite numbers of him were in the same room at the same time.   

This link will take you to the PS Publishing Newsletter (do sign up for their weekly mailings) where I write at length about the novella, and then join Dorothy for a detailed look at how the soundtrack came about. If you want to place your pre-order - and I dearly hope you will - you can do so at this page.

Thank you for your interest... and patience. 

(c) 2021 by Tim Lucas. All rights reserved.

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