Thursday, December 19, 2013

Last Year at Collinwood

Many years ago, I wrote a feature article for CINEFANTASTIQUE about the making of Oliver Stone's feature debut SEIZURE that was never published and, in the course of researching it, conducted the first interview Oliver ever granted. I thought I knew everything there was to know about that 1974 movie (even some unpublishable things) but apparently not. I believe I've just discovered evidence that SEIZURE's star Jonathan Frid had worked once before with actor Henry Baker, who played the mute Executioner in that film.

Unless I'm mistaken, I believe that's Henry (whom I was told had gifts as an opera singer) who appears in a few 1969 DS episodes as Istvan, the mute henchman of gypsy leader King Johnny Romano, In Episode 827 (aired 8/26/69), which I watched yesterday, the character appears briefly onscreen with Jonathan's Barnabas Collins, who soon sends Istvan to his doom atop Widow's Hill. Here are some grabs from that sequence:

And here they are in SEIZURE, five years later:

As a mute henchman, Henry had no lines on DARK SHADOWS, so did not receive a screen credit - but I'm pretty sure that's him! I wonder if he and Jonathan remembered this fleeting earlier collaboration?