Monday, February 12, 2007

I'm Still Here

... just too overworked at present to give much time or attention to this blog. I wrote the first draft of a book in January, and now I'm editing material -- over 150 single-spaced pages of reviews! -- for the next couple of issues of VIDEO WATCHDOG (which should be ready for print by this time next week), my next SIGHT & SOUND column is due tomorrow, and I spent the early part of this afternoon responding to an interview questionaire from the San Francisco-based magazine THE BELIEVER. The day after tomorrow, I'm expecting to receive my first HD player: the LG BH100, the first hybrid HD unit capable of playing both HD DVD and Blu-Ray discs. So I also have wrestling with wires to look forward to... but the unit will probably have to sit in the box a few days before it gets hooked up, as I see my way clear of creating the next issue or two. As always, enjoy the backlog of material in the meantime.

Also happening right now: Joe Dante is in Berlin, Germany, where he's representing THE MAN WITH KALEIDOSCOPE EYES (the Roger Corman biopic comedy script I wrote with Charlie Largent, about the making of THE TRIP) at the Berlinale Co-Production Market. This event is open to investor-seeking film projects that have already accounted for 30% of their total budget, and TMWKE (which got a headline mention in a recent VARIETY story about the Berlin market) is one of only three American properties represented among this year's Official Selections. I know that you all want to see this movie happen -- almost as much as Charlie and I do -- so join us in holding good thoughts for Joe through the days ahead.