Thursday, March 23, 2006


Sorry to have been so incommuiqué this week, but rest assured, I'm writing full-time elsewhere. We've only got another week or so to work on the Bava book before production on the next issue of VW is due to commence, so I'm on call for that -- Donna rings the intercom once in awhile to ask, "Is it 'I wurdalak,' 'Il wurdalak' or 'I wurdulak'?" and questions of that ilk -- while viewing and reviewing as much material for the next issue as possible in the meantime. Right now, I'm in the midst of reviewing three different Del Tenney movies out from Dark Sky Films, Peter Jackson's KING KONG, and writing a feature about Edgar Wallace's involvement in the original KONG.

While decompressing at different times of day, I've managed to pop up in a thread or three over at the Classic Horror Films Board and Mobius Home Video Forum. But whenever my thoughts have turned to this blog, my brain has felt like six inches of well-stacked cigar ash. At least there's not a SIGHT AND SOUND deadline this week!